We started the digitalization of the parish manuscript volumes in the fall of 2009 in the settlements of the Kalocsa Sárköz small region. Processing the documents of the 19 sites keeping vital records we gained useful experience regarding the number of pictures required, the type and character of sources findable at parishes, and based on this we established the organization-structure of the digital content, and determined the tasks for the following year. During the picture taking we utilized the resources of our central repository, thanks on one hand to our large collection of duplicate registries of baptism, marriage, and death, on the other hand, to the parish archives already transfered and organized.
In case of the Kalocsa Sárköz small region 95,000 pictures were taken. The statistical distribution is the following: from origin point of view 56,518 photos (59 %) were taken from the duplicate baptism, marriage, and death registries preserved in the Archdiocesan Archives (KFL.I.1.d.), while 38,905 photos (41 %) from the parish archives. From type of document aspect: 67,869 (71 %), pictures are of baptism, marriage, and death registries, 10,188 (11 %) are indexes belonging to these registries, 1,980 (2 %) are census records. The mentioned document types are the primary sources of family research, the total number of these pictures is 80,037 (84 %). There are 1,075 photos of Historia Domuses, 6,598 photos of various parish minutes (schools, boards of representatives, associations), 5,145 photos of duplums (circulars, rescripts, correspondent books). 768 pictures were taken of the records of vice-archidiaconal protocols and 1,800 photos of various other documents.
In 2010, in case of our centrally duplicate vital record, which means registries of the historical archdiocese between 1826-1920, we digitizes the marriage registries of each parish first (marriage registries are rich in recorded data, but the number of entries and the size of the documents is small compared to the other type of vital registries), after this the other types of vital registries will also be processed gradually. In case of parishes annexed to Kalocsa from the former Vác diocese after 1993, we photographed every volume explored during a visit to avoid multiple visits and moving of documents.
Using the above mentioned method we took 250 000 pictures within a year (from fall 2009 to fall 2010). A more detailed statistical report-analizis of this period will be provided later.