E-research Statistics, State of Process (10.10.2024.)

Summary of  statistical data regarding our E-research, Matricula-Historia-Online service from December 8th, 2010 (5.050 days) are the following:
- Number of  users registered for E-research: 6.985
- Number of  E-searches: 158.892, an average of  31,5 per day
- Number of E-research topic selection (selection of settlements, opening the link): 513.359, an average of  102 per day
- Number of digital photos: 2.067.258 pictures are available on the internet. (02.05.2024.)
- Settlements-parishes Photographed as Part of the Communio-project: see in the synoptic table

E-research, Matricula-Historia-online

Dedication of a special archival service – from Archbishop Dr. Balázs Bábel
As the archbishop of the Kalocsa-Kecskemét Archdiocese I am happy and proud to introduce and recommend a special archival initiative. As far as we know, the website of the Archdiocesan Archives Kalocsa is the first in Hungary to offer a new service that enables researching vital records and local history resources of the archdiocese through the internet. As a result of a year long work now the digital reproduction of several thousands of manuscripts (vital records, censuses, protocols, historia domus, etc.) from several hundred settlements of the former Bács-Bodrog county and the current Bács-Kiskun county from the 18-20th century – a total of 250,000 photographs – become available to our registered researchers.

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