Advantageous Possibilities for Family Research

A few reasons why we recommend our service to family researchers:
We strive for digitizing and publishing all vital record sources material of the parishes registered before 1920. This gives more than the earlier microfilmed records of the period before 1895, both in time frame and in information, because now the information of confirmation records, military vital records, conversion records appear. These may occasionally be very important for family research and have been missed from microfilming.
We strongly emphasise the importance of exploring existing vital record indexes that make research significantly easier. In case of the photographed indexes the file structure and name refers to the period and letters as well, generally providing  fast orientation and good research possibilities.
We find important to digitize the various censuses (status animarum), family records (family books of individual families recorded by the vicars), books of orphans, church school vital records, that can be important from the aspect of family research.
The database covers a substantial territory/region (the combined area of the former Bács-Bodrog and the current Bács-Kiskun counties). Within this area even following the movement of various families becomes possible.
The easier and faster handling is an important technical advantage as compared to microfilms, and the higher quality of colored digital pictures is also an important aspect. Furthermore, with the help of the internet this can be available even in our homes.